DeliverDeli is a new name in the baking industry. We're very proud to have assisted in the making of the website design and brand materials for this fresh new startup.
DeliverDeli stocks a range of fine products for bakers including: lames, bread tins, bread ovens, dough scrapers/knifes and flour.
The baking industry is very much alive at the moment and we wish them all the best of luck with their new venture.
Bread Pans
Supplied products also include fine artisan bread pans like the Challenger bread pan. This cast iron pan radiates heat and locks in steam to create great sourdoughs and baguettes.
Pizza Stones
DeliverDeli also supply Emile Henry Bakeware and pizza stones.
Italian pizzas are commonly cooked in a clay fire oven. The heat is extremely hot and the heated stone surface will serve to radiate heat evenly and reliably.
A pizza stone is a convenient tool to simulate a clay fire oven. At a fraction of a cost, this specialised stone can produce the same great crust we know and love. Heat transfers to the pizza dough fast.
Furthermore, the stone is suitable for cooking pizza on a BBQ for those looking for a smoky taste.
Baking Steel
In addition to the stones, DeliverDeli supply baking steels. Baking steel, pizza steel, baking plate or whatever you call it is simple yet effective. DeliverDeli make and sell these from the UK.