The first ever World Seniors Darts Championship is set to take
place at the Circus Tavern on the weekend of the 3rd-6th February 2022.
The Championship will be determined over 7 sessions.
The first ever World Seniors
Darts Championship is set
to take place at the
Circus Tavern on the weekend
of the 3rd-6th February 2022.
The Championship will be
determined over 7 sessions.

PLAYERS The 24 players participating
in the Championship are...
Phil Taylor/Martin Adams/John Part/John Lowe/Ted Hankey/Wayne Warren/Keith Deller/Trina Gulliver/Andy Fordham/Bob Anderson/Richie Burnett/Les Wallace/John Walton/Tony David/Tony O’Shea/Kevin Painter/Terry Jenkins/Darryl Fitton/Robert Thornton/Roland Scholten/Paul Lim/Peter Manley plus two Seniors Qualifying
School winners.
APPLY NOW Copyright | | +44 (0) 2929 2929 292 The 24 players participating in the Championship are... Phil Taylor/Martin Adams/John Part/John Lowe/Ted Hankey/Wayne Warren/Keith Deller/Trina Gulliver/Andy Fordham/Bob Anderson/Richie Burnett/Les Wallace/John Walton/Tony David/Tony O’Shea/Kevin Painter/Terry Jenkins/Darryl Fitton/Robert Thornton/Roland Scholten/Paul Lim/Peter Manley plus two Seniors Qualifying School winners.